Lighting a Candle for Angie

by Moira on May 24, 2014


Twenty years ago, I had the privilege of participating in a life-changing year-long workshop, The Four-Fold Way, led by Angeles Arrien. On April 24, 2014, Angie passed from this world. From her memorium, “At Angeles’ wish there will not be a public memorial. Angie herself requested that for those who wished to truly honor her over this next year, that once a month on the anniversary of her passing (the 24th of each month), that individuals would light a candle and say a prayer to honor her memory.”

This is the first of twelve blog posts honoring the memory of this woman who so embodied compassionate wisdom. The loss of her Presence on this planet will be felt by many; her legacy is her many students whose lives and work-in-the-world was shaped by her teachings, as mine was.

This TEDxFIDI talk is a great introduction for those unfamiliar with her work, and a wonderful reminder for the rest of us.
