Holy Body Day – An Invitation

by Moira on May 21, 2010

Last year I wrote about the inaugural Holy Body Day.   This year, there’s a facebook page.  I considered joining my friend and colleague, Susan Freeman, in her QiCoach Spring Detox… but it wasn’t feeling more like a “good idea” than inspired action.

I love the comment left by Kathy Loh, of Full Moon Path, on last year’s post, referencing Joseph Cambell’s idea that the mind is all about doing, while the body is about experiencing.  The Presence of Body tag line, Lusty Lives Whatever the Size, is all about experiencing all the juiciness there is to experience in this lifetime.

I’ve been playing/exploring/ discovering in the realm of conscious eating since I read The Psychologist’s Eat-Anything Diet  by Leonard and Lillian Pearson (now out-of-print) in 1974, shortly after several weeks on the original Atkins program which I ended with a fruit binge in the height of summer.  Who could resist?

As part of my Countdown to 60! project, I’ve been feeling a hunger for deepening my experience of conscious eating, to see where the boundaries of the familiar territory are, and to explore beyond them.  I invite you to join me.  We start tomorrow.
