Do not move the way fear wants you to. Instead, move from within.
I’ve been in a bit of a cocooning stage. Sinking into this idea of “moving from within”. It’s a different perspective for this ENFP, Enneagram type 7, with a high score for Input on the StrengthsFinder assessment. Always looking outside for the next thing that might solve the problem, fill the hunger deep within.
Letting go of the caterpillar ways:
an over-identification with the roles the I play as my evidence for being “good enough”
thinking that I’m missing a piece of the puzzle, and if I could just get the missing piece, the picture would be complete
being seduced by the gremlins that would convince me that my greatest fear is that I’m inadequate; boring, trite, or just too airy-fairy
These next few posts are the beating of the wings, the butterfly emerging…

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I can hear your wings fluttering right now!