Women want to be thin because we believe it is a means to an end. We believe that having a thin body is the prerequisite for every other dream and once the body is the right size, the other dreams, like dominos, can click into place, and we will at last find joy and self-value. That is a lie, but a lie upon which most women build their lives.
Geneen Roth
Authentic Body Projects are journeys of unfolding, discovery, reclaiming. It’s not about giving up the desire to have the body that you want; you get to want what you want!
It is about recognizing that it is not the “prerequisite for every other dream.” An Authentic Body Project is an opportunity to live
into the dreams that have heart and meaning. It is the journey of realizing that in letting go of the resistance to standing in the truth and beauty of who we are, we let go of the resistance to creating the body that supports the dream.
An Authentic Body Project is about letting go of the myth that the body size/shape is causal in our lives, and understanding that it is the effect of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
An Authentic Body Project is about letting go of the idea that “once the body is the right size, the other dreams, like dominos, can click into place,” and understanding that once we are courageous enough to pursue the dream that has heart and meaning, that the authentic body will click into place.
Because pursuing the dream that has heart and meaning leads to exhilaration, enthusiasm and aliveness, and in that experience, we are inspired to different actions. Maybe the first such inspiration seems like a small action, but taking that small action leads to the next and the next and the next, and soon, the dominoes are clicking into place.

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