Postcards from the Edge

by Moira on July 6, 2009

But mostly, like you, I’m someone who is continuously learning. I’m still practicing, and I always will be. I’m not done; I’m just a little bit further on the path. Let me point out a way for you.

Shauna James Ahern, Gluten-Free Girl

A challenge from my coach to post something with greater vulnerability has me pondering where I am on the path on my own Authentic Body Project.

I dance with paradox on a daily basis.


Bolder Boulder 2002

I’m currently hooked on re-runs of The Biggest Loser and

I resist the idea that having an ideal body is equivalent to being happy and

there’s something about the “fat acceptance” movement that doesn’t resonate for me and

I’m not willing to put my life on hold until I’m the perfect weight.

I love to be physical and move my body, and even commit to a physical challenge, like a marathon and

I love to lie on the beach and read a novel and


I do want to lose weight and

I’m not willing to go to extreme measures for that to happen and

I love eating whole, natural foods and


I love pastries and Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food and the perfect martini and

I want to include it all…


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

TP September 12, 2009 at 2:03 am

I love you too!

Moira September 13, 2009 at 9:22 pm

Thanks, TP. Feeling’s mutual…

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