Creator or Explorer?

by Moira on April 23, 2009

seekerThe Explorer/Seeker/Wanderer leaves the known to discover and explore the unknown.  This inner rugged individual braves loneliness and isolation to seek out new paths.  Often oppositional, this iconoclstic archetype helps us to discover our uniqueness, our perspectives, and our callings.

from Archetypes 101

I got to this from Typelizer, a site where you can analyze your blogtype. The default analysis is the MBTI: from the current blog posts, it thinks this ENFP is an ISTP.

The archetypes analysis indicates that the author’s motivation is Stability/Structure (desire to feel safe and in control) – NOT!  I’m more about Learning/Identity (desire to be yourself and find out about the world).

Which leads to part two of the first assignment:  what do I want out of this blog?

Originally, this blog was meant to be about my path, my own authentic body project, which is a work-in-progress.  But I am an evolving, expanding woman, and so, it always will be.  In the months since I conceived this idea, I’ve come to see the labor and delivery of this body of work as my Bigger Game, as what’s next for me.  So the perspective has shifted.

I want to break out of the isolation and loneliness and share the path with others who are willing to explore a new way of being around this question.

I love to read and synthesize ideas from reading and conversation, and I want to noodle about that here, in their half-baked form, instead of waiting until they are well-formed and tested.

I am a powerful coach, and I want to create relationships with people who are intrigued by my ideas, and seek a deeper connection, a deeper relationship.

I want to find my unique voice, my authentic expression, so that some day in the not-so-distant future, the Typelizer result is ENFP.


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Beth Rommel April 27, 2009 at 8:13 am

Hi Moira,
I know you have a sense of humor if you had a mug with the Groucho quote. Thanks for the vote on pattern on the paintings. Your blogsite is nice. It is easy to jump into and read what you have to say. I agree we are all evolving all of the time. It seems as soon as we get a grip on who we are and how to live in that skin something or somebody else evolves and then we have to adjust again. I guess this is healthy, if we didn’t make some changes we would become pretty stagnant. Though I think our morals and principals should be grounded and really are a huge indication of who we are. They guide us as the world changes. Hopefully the evolution there is to a higher ground.
Oh man, that was only one cup of coffee. Have a good day.

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