As I mentioned yesterday, I’m committing to a more gutsy, vibrant and fulfilling (for both my readers and myself) blog by engaging in a 4-week Blog Triage class with Cynthia Morris and Alyson Stanfield. I’ve been following Cynthia’s blog on her adventures as a Creative Nomad for the past year, and had been thinking, “I wish Cynthia would teach a blog class.” So I jumped at the chance even though this is not an artist blog.
The first assignment is to describe the people I want to visit and read my blog.
This blog’s for you if have struggled with food, with your weight, with your body image and know that there must be a better way to approach the subject matter.
This blog’s for you if you want to “stop weighting” to re-connect with all your hungers, and want to move forward enthusiastically to satisfy them.
This blog ‘s for you if you are willing to consider the possibility that reclaiming your authentic body could be a fun, creative venture that you get to make up as you go along.
This blog’s for you if you just want to be part of a leading edge conversation that transforms the cultural attitudes about our relationships with food and our bodies.
The Authentic Body Project is my Bigger Game, so this blog is also for you if you are curious about getting a first-hand look at how I play my bigger game.
And most, especially, this blog is for the many people who have visited in the past, and expressed a hunger for more!

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This is great. I love how you describe your readers and also make it a call to them to step toward the zesty way you encourage people to be with their lives and bodies.
Keep going – great writing!
Moira, I couldn’t agree more (with Cynthia). I love the energy in this post. It really makes me want to return and read more. I hope you’re able to use some of this text as a permanent post or description of your blog. It’s wonderful!
i love to see this creation, “The Authentic Body Project”.
I feel i have been on this journey for years and will continue for years more.
I look forward to reading about how it goes for you, what you learn, and how you enjoy in a new way.
And, know that i am on the journey with you 🙂