Right on Time

by Moira on January 18, 2009

I got a comment on Facebook recently, urging me to start posting to the blog again.

Well, you see, I’ve been in the midst of re-design, porting to WordPress, playing with themes, blah, blah, blah… I’ve set goals, made timelines, etc, etc. Deadlines have come and gone, and it’s still not quite done. So months and months have gone by without a post, until now…

Committed to not only start posting again, but to post regularly, I look through the notebook of ideas for postings and I come across a page of quotes from The Matrix:

Hello, Neo. You’re right on time.

So, I take a deep breath, and let it out. This is exactly the right time to start posting again.

What is the change that you have been thinking about, procrastinating about, ‘shoulding’ on yourself about? Begin it now! You’re right on time.


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