Noticing a trigger: I got caught up in work yesterday, and forgot to eat for hours. Even when I first noticed how late it was, I wasn’t really hungry. But watch out! Because I know that once I come back out of my head and into my body, I will start to experience the hunger, the level of hunger appropriate to having gone that long without food.
Noticing how I choose: on another day, a day when I’m not present to my desire to eat what nourishes and delights me, I might just swing through a fast food drive-thru oblivious to the fact that although it sounds like a good idea at the time, it is truly neither nourishing nor delightful. Last night, I chose food that met all three values of fast, nourishing and delightful. Not as fast as the drive-thru, but the nourishment and delight more than made up for that.
Noticing and savoring the foods …. yummy!

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